If you or someone you know is dealing with this issue, there is help available. Below is a list of organizations to turn to:
Stop Bullying: https://www.stopbullying.gov/what-you-can-do/index.html
Child & Adolescent Treatment Services: 819-3420 http://bestselfwny.org/
Gay and Lesbian Youth Services: Drop-In Center, 371 Delaware Avenue in Buffalo. During the school year, open M-Th 2:30-730 P.M. 855-0221 or www.glyswny.org
Child & Family Services: 681-5718 or www.cfsbny.org
Crisis Services: 24 hr.hotline-834-3131/ Kids Helpline-834-1144, toll free-1-877-KIDS 400 or www.crisisservices.org
The Trevor Project: A suicide prevention program for LGBT and questioning youth: 1-866-488-7386 or www.thetrevorproject.org
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention: www.afsp.org
USA National Suicide Prevention Hotlie: 24/7 free and confidential 1-800-273-TALK : www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
Hopeline: 1-800-SUICIDE
Stop Bullying Now!
This practical source teaches upper elementary and middle school kids what they can do when faced with a bully or how they can help other kids who are being harassed. Created by: U.S Health Resources and Services Administration. Be sure to check out the 12 animated "Webisodes" to learn how KB, Josh, and Milton deal with schoolyard tyrants. Also, check out related games and the "What Adults Can Do" section.
Teen Bullying
Bullying websites and resources